SCEE 2024 - Thank You for Participating! See you at SCEE 2026 in Lisbon!
From 4 to 8 March, the 2024 edition of the SCEE conference took place in Darmstadt. With 93 participants, 7 invited speakers, 30 oral presentations, and 28 poster presentations, SCEE 2024 was a vibrant event featuring exceptional talks and engaging discussions. We were pleased to once again bring together mathematicians and electrical engineers to foster connections between these two communities. The unique aspects of the conference, such as no parallel sessions, a poster blitz session, and the Young Scientist Award (details here), were highly appreciated.
On behalf of the SCEE committees, we would like to thank all participants (view the official group photo here) for their contributions, as well as our sponsors for their financial support.
We look forward to seeing you at SCEE 2026 in Lisbon, scheduled for Spring 2026 (exact date to be announced).