Dear SCEE Community,
We are happy to welcome you to the launch of the central website of the International Conferences on Scientific Computing in Electrical Engineering (SCEE). From now on, the url address of the current SCEE conference will remain fixed: http://www.scee-conferences.org, and it will offer information on all past and future SCEEs.
The SCEE Foundation supported the creation of the central website. This foundation aims to bring together scientists – mathematicians and electrical engineers, from universities and industry - with the goal of intensive discussions on Computational Science and Engineering. Simultaneously, it targets to stimulate young researchers in actively participating at the SCEE conferences. The actions and offers of support by the SCEE Foundation are in synergy with the actions of the Special Interest Group “Modeling, Simulation and Optimization in Electrical Engineering” within the European Consortium of Mathematics for Industry (ECMI).
We are delighted to inform you that the next SCEE conference - SCEE2020 - will take place February 16-20, 2020 in Eindhoven, the Netherlands.
We hope that this website will allow you to connect more efficiently with the SCEE community.
Reserve the dates in your calendar; we look forward to meeting you in Eindhoven!