Announcement of change of location for SCEE 2022
Change of location for SCEE 2022
On March 1, 2020, we announced that the next SCEE conference will be held in Darmstadt, from March 8-11. Due to strict COVID-19 regulations, the Standing Committee of SCEE, in close consultation with the Darmstadt organisers, decided to choose a different location.
It was decided that the conference would be hosted again in The Netherlands, like in 2020, but now in Amsterdam. The Eindhoven conference was a big success, and we hope to repeat this in Amsterdam.
The conference will again have the unique features of previous conferences that are always highly appreciated: no parallel sessions, poster blitz session, and young scientist award. Please mark your calendars for SCEE 2022, which will be organized in Amsterdam, from March 7-10 (note that we moved it one day forward compared to the Darmstadt conference).
This will be a special edition, where we will celebrate 25 years since the first SCEE conference took place, with special keynote speakers and also distinguished guests.